Cat Got Your Diamonds Book Review

Cat Got Your Diamonds Book Review

I’ve got to tell you. I did not plan to enjoy this book.

~ I’m not a cat person
~ “Kitty Couture” didn’t strike me as something I’d be interested in

However there was a cute beagle on the book’s cover and I’m a sucker for beagles, so I thought I’d give it a try. And I’m ssssoooo glad I did. I found a new series for sure!


Cat Got Your Diamonds is the first in the Kitty Couture Mystery series written by Julie Chase. It follows Lacy Crocker on her return home to New Orleans. Lacy opens her a shop which doubles as in animal costume design and an organic pet bakery. When a man is found murdered in her shop, Lacy becomes the prime suspect and she fights to clear her name and save her reputation.

When I picked this book up, I wasn’t in the best of moods. As I skeptically began through the pages, I found myself enjoying and relating to Lacy. Life had not always gone her way, but she was determined to pull herself up and do work hard. She is surrounded by a loving family and friends and has a deep sense of community and pride in where she comes from. (Even thought it’s dysfunctional, it’s home!)

The mystery kept me guessing and the Lacy’s personal story has twists and turns that leave you wondering what will happen next. I love how the book left us with a bit of a personal cliffhanger (I totally had to Google the series when I was through and see when the next book is coming out – April 2017).

It just goes to show you you never can tell you which books will draw you in. I would have never guessed that a cozy mystery series about a Kitty Couture shop would be so enjoyable, but Julie made a fan out of me. I’ll be anxiously awaiting next April and more adventures from Lacy!

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