Missions, Donuts & Serving Together

Missions, Donuts & Serving Together

A couple weeks ago a missionary from the Dominican Republic visited my kids at school and talked about some of the work she is doing there. Her name is Jamielynn Tinkey.

I have never meat Jamielynn. But she had quite the impact on my kids. All three came home from school and wanted to have a lemonade stand to raise money to send to her and support her work. Since it is October and our street isn’t that busy, we settled on hosting a coffee hour at Church and sending her the money raised.

So they got to work. The colored signs and collected her prayer cards so they could tell others about who their money would be supporting.


Today was the day. They packed their signs and arrived at Church, eager to set things up.


It was so much fun to watch this come together because, apart from getting the donuts and making the coffee, this was all the boys. They picked someone they saw spreading the love of Jesus and wanted to help.

There is something really special about serving along side your family and watching it make sense to your kiddos. Today was such a blessing to be able to participate in for our family. I can’t wait to sit down with the boys and figure out our next project!

Thank you to Jamielynn and all our missionaries who spend tireless hours and energy in the field spreading the love of Jesus with those around the world. If you’d like to help too, here is a link to Jamielynn’s webpage.


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